Separate AWS EC2 account VS Single AWS EC2

The choice between a single AWS hosting instance with multiple cPanel accounts and a single IP address versus separate AWS EC2 instances with separate cPanel accounts and separate IP addresses depends on various factors, including your specific requirements, budget, and performance considerations. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Cost:
    • Single AWS Instance: Hosting multiple websites on a single AWS instance with multiple cPanel accounts may be more cost-effective as compared to separate instances.
    • Separate AWS Instances: While providing isolation, separate instances can be more expensive as each instance incurs its own costs.
  2. Isolation:
    • Single AWS Instance: All websites and subdomains on the same instance share resources, which may impact performance and security.
    • Separate AWS Instances: Each instance is isolated, providing better security and performance isolation between websites.
  3. Scalability:
    • Single AWS Instance: Scaling resources may be easier and more cost-effective, as you can allocate resources dynamically among websites.
    • Separate AWS Instances: Scaling may require adjustments to each instance individually, potentially being more complex.
  4. Management and Maintenance:
    • Single AWS Instance: Managing multiple websites on a single instance can be more straightforward, but maintenance may affect all websites.
    • Separate AWS Instances: Maintenance and management are more granular, but you need to handle each instance separately.
  5. Performance:
    • Single AWS Instance: Performance may be affected if resource demands from one website impact others on the same instance.
    • Separate AWS Instances: Better performance isolation, as each instance has dedicated resources.
  6. IP Addresses:
    • Single AWS Instance: Multiple websites share a single IP address, which may be acceptable unless you need separate IP addresses for specific reasons (e.g., SSL certificates).
    • Separate AWS Instances: Each instance has its own IP address, providing more flexibility.
  7. Security:
    • Single AWS Instance: Security measures apply to all websites on the instance, potentially increasing the risk if one website is compromised.
    • Separate AWS Instances: Improved security isolation, reducing the risk of one website affecting others.
  8. Complexity:
    • Single AWS Instance: Simplified management and lower complexity.
    • Separate AWS Instances: More complex setup and management but offers better customization.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. If cost is a significant factor and resource sharing is acceptable, a single instance may be suitable. If you prioritize isolation, performance, and customization, separate instances may be more appropriate.